Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ah, kids...

So, Ty and I were chilling last night watching Charlie Brown's Halloween special when he said something post worthy...

(on TV, Lucy is in the midst of yelling at Linus...)

Ty: "Mom, Aunt Meagan is just like Lucy"

Me: "Why do you say that?" (ha, like I don't know)

Ty: "well, she just looks like her...and acts"

Well, Aunt Meagan might not find it funny but I did. :-D

Getting a bit youtube happy...

Maybe since I have blogger's block, I'll resort to narrating my life updates through video...

The Fat Kid and I took Ty to his first football game. We had awesome seats and gorgeous weather. Guess we set the standard pretty high... :-/

I attempted to let Grant Man and Ty go to town on this year's pumpkin but after 30 minutes avoiding the 'yucky stuff inside' with their spoons, the woman - of course - had to do it! ;)

More to come about ke's gig at Fat Tuesday's (awaiting some pics...) which rocked.... so much fun!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The "sleepover", Caps are back, and the Cox Farms finale...

Well, if Ty didn't have a blast this weekend...I'm throwing in the towel. We started off with a sleepover with Colin and Skye. Colin mostly played with Jumpy, or as he preferred calling it, the "hamper". And for those of you who need further explanation (Dad...), they slept over their sleeping bags. :)

We were off to the Caps game on Saturday night. Ty proudly sported his new Caps jersey with Ovechkin on the back. It was an awesome game, helps that they won too. I missed hockey oh so much over the summer...

Closed it off with a gorgeous day at Cox Farms with Parker and Colin. It was a great time. We managed to briefly lose 2 of the kids in the Corn Maze, Ty nearly got his popsicle eaten by a 2 year old (I'd explain but it was a 'had to be there' moment), and Parker got his "Iron Man" pumpkin. I hope Grant (whom I rightfully reserved on Friday!) looks back at this post and realizes how much more fun his Aunt Mandy is than Grammies. ;-P

Monday, October 06, 2008

People DO read my blog...??

That's the current rumor. So, I suppose I shall indulge you mystery viewers with my usual weekend update ramblings...

Actually, I have two weekends to catch up on. So, last rainy weekend was spent in the mud bath that I shall call the Maryland Renaissance Festival. It was actually really fun (while it stayed dry). The Fat Kid and I took Ty and Colin. And they each got what they came for: swords. So, they were happy campers. I also have some birthday wishes to catch up on: Grant Man and Skye Skye (yes, you all need to vote for that nickname...we can't let Kee-Kai(?!?) win!). Happy birthday to the cutest little niece and nephew an aunt could have. :-D I may be a little biased...

This past weekend was full of Great Falls and band fun. It was a gorgeous weekend,'s just about torture to not spend it outdoors. Went to Great Falls to do some hiking and climbing. The band played out at Kirkpatrick's and despite some sound issues and serious lack of practice, it went well. :) Fat Tuesday's coming up next! Oct. 24th, 11pm

No FNP drama for this post, maybe next time. Although, I have a feeling it may morph into a FNP/Rock Band (or FNP/RB) type update...