Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Summersville camping report...

Wow...what a weekend. We got back at 2am last night and after 3 hours of not good sleep, I must say, I'm a little tired right now.

So, we left at 10:30am on Saturday (had a bit of a delay due to my car needing a new belt...does it ever end??) and got there in time to set up the tents, have a peek at the lake, and most importantly... roast marshmellows. And no, I couldn't watch. I was quite content with my graham crackers and chocolate, thank you.

Sunday was a good workout, for us and the kids... We packed up our lunch, climbing gear, and swim stuff and headed for the lake. Took us about a half hour to get to where the climbs are only to find out that it was packed with climbers. Luckily, our official guide (or shall I say, person who owned the guide book) found a 5.8 that we thought would be do-able. And I know I haven't been at the gym as much as I used to, but it was no 5.8! I just barely managed my way up. At any rate, it was neat...we happened to run into some other 'regulars' from the gym. Small climbing world. We then finally let the kids have their way and went to the 'Pirate Cove' to play in the lake and watch all the crazy cliff jumpers.

Monday was the icing on the cake. We rented a pontoon boat and since we met up with another family there and split the cost, it worked out quite nicely. We just went down the lake and stopped at certain neat spots and got in. So much fun, it was one of those rare occurences where I couldn't tell if the adults or kids were having more fun. We managed to climb a little bit on the cliffs which was great, although my aching feet would beg to differ. And after that, we were all ready for a nap but unfortunately a 5 hour drive awaited me. But well worth it...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How do you define 'spring'?....

Well, I was going to wait until I got pics to post from the hiking trip to the Shenandoah's last weekend... but I know you all are just chomping at the bit to read my latest weekend 'goings on' so here goes! ;-)

FNP was ok, I've managed to spend the last two weeks in positive territory. But as for the all-telling Google spreadsheet... I am the big ol, flagged and flaring red colored negative leader. Before my own mother starts berating my poker skills... there is still months to go! I'm not preparing my last place acceptance speech just yet.

And onto Saturday... went hiking out in the Shenandoah's. It was a good time, it was gorgeous weather which kinda made it difficult to not hop onto some rocks, but hiking is a good thing as I'm in 'Rainier training mode' (now, I know that the governing rule is '2 times to be acronymized'...but for brevity sake, from now on it's RTM). And just outta curiousity, how would you all define the word 'spring'? In terms of a park, water...not season, hopping, etc.

And Sunday...not much to report except band practice. Once again, gorgeous out...rocks were a-callin' but so are wedding songs that need to be learned. No rocks this weekend. Sorry folks. :-(

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mommy's Day and open enrollment at Duck U...

First of all... Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's that I didn't get a chance to wish a happy day to yesterday! :-D

Well, the weekend was good and went by way too fast. Seriously, society needs to consider adopting a 3 day weekend standard. Really...why not?? So, I managed to not do too terribly bad at SNP. Would've done a lot better had I not kept getting pocket Queen's....what an evil hand. But speaking of evil, how bad is it that the biggest hand I won was with triple 6's on the flop?? Mwah hahaaa... (my e-evil laugh)

Yesterday the boy and I went to visit with Daffy and Daisy (did I get the names right?). The kids got such a big kick out of the ducks. I must say, though, that Grant takes the 'moment of the day' award for totally faking out the ducks and having some yummy duck grub for himself. That was a classic move perfected by a 1 year old. I'm having a proud Aunt moment.

Ty's conversing with the ducks...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A nice little diddy...

So, here's a cute little song that I don't do justice...enjoy! :-)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Frats, rocks, and job update...

I give JMU credit. Those guys do not let rain foil their drunken festivities! Yea, so frat party this weekend. Like last year, crazy!! So, in generally, the gig was really fun but I've assessed that there is a certain inebriation level to which it's just not a fun crowd anymore. Example, the level at which they are all happy and bouncin' around to whatever we play...good. The level at which they want to hear "Shout" 5x in row...bad.

Climbing on Sunday...superb. The weather, that is. My climbing performance? Eh, left much to be desired (finger strength!). But it was great to just enjoy the day by the water. I don't think this place will ever get old to me...

Now, onto the new job... I don't like it. I love it. And I'd better considering I got another job offer for a lot more and I'm not going to take it (not going to do it...not going to do it...did I mention a LOT more $$?). Anyhow!! The people are great, I've got my own cubicle again (made me realize how much I hated working at an open desk...), and yummy restaurants at Reston Town Center right across the street. :-D Things are good.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Swiftkick: Behind the Music...

The McGinty's Episode:

What are the chances that a sub drummer remembers to bring all his equipment EXCEPT for the kick drum pedal...and a person who just happens to be crossing the state line to see the show manages to be able to bring one?!? I think it's safe to say that the rock gods were definitely looking out for us on Saturday night... the acoustic gods almost got their way.

Minus the pedal drama, the gig was fun!! And I got a "Kill Amanda" drawing memento, niiiice...