Climbing on Sunday...superb. The weather, that is. My climbing performance? Eh, left much to be desired (finger strength!). But it was great to just enjoy the day by the water. I don't think this place will ever get old to me...

Now, onto the new job... I don't like it. I love it. And I'd better considering I got another job offer for a lot more and I'm not going to take it (not going to do it...not going to do it...did I mention a LOT more $$?). Anyhow!! The people are great, I've got my own cubicle again (made me realize how much I hated working at an open desk...), and yummy restaurants at Reston Town Center right across the street. :-D Things are good.
where'd you go climbing? looks like gf? aide-box? it's been awhile since i've done outdoor climbing - i'm on my mountain biking phase, again, now. i'm sure i'll get back to climbing again, at some point.
glad to hear you enjoy your new job - job satisfaction is always important in the long-run. it doesn't "pay" to be highly compensated and complain about your job all the time. hope it keeps up for you!
Let's see...started at the Dihedrals and ended at Cornice. The site of your infamous first rappel. :-D
Mountain biking?? Hmm, looks like fun but I'd prefer to keep my bones in one piece. So, you won't mind that I've ebay'd your climbing stuff...
Did you finally take my advise on the SNP or FNP (hope I got that right)?
The water and that picture looks so calming , serene, peaceful!
I am so glad that you LOVE your new job! Although, how do you know that you would not love the job with the bigger dollars offer:)
You didn't mention anything regarding your job offer with the bigger bucks?
damn you, woman - trying to make a quick dollar off of my neglected climbing gear! (wouldn't that be classic if I ended up buying it back off of ebay. it's like when Ned Flanders bought back his own stuff from Homer Simpsons yard sale).
lytkpr - SNP or FNP. You know, if I take your advice, the poker crew will be very upset with you because that'll mean one of them will have to take my spot at the bottom of the Google spreadsheet. And no one wants that... ah, the sacrifices I make for my friends!
j-2 - yes, that would be classic. $10 for the harness...that's quite a deal!
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