Yet another wedding this past weekend (yes, it's officially Friday and I'm just now updating the blog now...good lawrd, it's past my bedtime!). It went off without a hitch, except me missing my cue on 'Everlasting Love'... I had the Howard Jones version stuck in my head which was the wrong one. No harm done, it was their first dance, no one noticed.
So, off to go climb on Sunday... Always good times, but way too short. Not that I didn't have enough time but after the first two climbs, my arms decided to quit. And part of my proof of this is the 'interesting approach' shown below. We needed to basically traverse across the bottom of the cliff to get to our rope. The good news is that the water was real shallow and my buddy traversed on the rock just fine. The bad arms were spaghetti and just as I'm ready to come off the cliff, my buddy tried to help and in the process got a nice foot bath. And yes, I stayed dry by a nice shoulder ride to the other side. :-D