Monday, July 17, 2006

Things I learned this weekend...

Being stung by a wasp makes for a nasty sting, but they don't itch.

You learn how to place gear pretty quickly when you're above a ledge that has 'I want to break your ankle' written all over it.

Some people will believe that a 5.11 (hard!) climb is a 5.7 (fairly easy).

Oh, and at Indian weddings...they have the teenage girls perform a dance before the bride and groom's first dance (which was a tango...whether or not that's Indian tradition, I do not know).


Daphne said...
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Daphne said...

Now where was this climb that you met up with Indians? Sounds to me as if the dance was a tad embellished, which would not be unusual because not just Indians are copying their rituals. Add a little here...take out something there. Ta da it's your wedding.

Unknown said...

Now, that would have been interesting...going to climb for a day and stumbling upon an Indian wedding. Just to clarify, this wedding was a people-from-India wedding (that the band played for on Saturday), not to be confused with people-who-shoot-bow-and-arrows indians.

J-2 said...

"..people who shoot bow-and-arrows..."?? is that your stereo-type of Native Americans?! :) last time i read my history books, armies in medieval england shot bow-and-arrows...professional archers shoot bow-and-arrows....and, i'm sure at some point in history...even those "people-from-india" shot bow and arrows.

and, yes...i was a bit thrown back when i looked at your 5-8 climb vs. my 5-8 climb (or, was it a 5-7). i think the best quote was..."sheesh, my 5-8 looks a lot tougher than your 5-8".

AND..the thing i learned this weekend: don't let amanda lead you to front royal, va. driving all the way to the end of rte 66, then down 81 for a couple of miles...then about 10 miles BACK EAST on rte 55! "umm...isn't that the same gas station up ahead that we stopped at about 30 minutes ago?!" :)

Unknown said...

My apologies to any Native Americans whom I may have offended in my posting. Thank you j-stereotype-police-2.

And I will deflect your 66 comment to my co-pilot/direction giver...

Anonymous said...

hmmm...your blog has been rather quiet of late, amanda. i guess that's typical for the summer: no hockey, no youth sports currently, no drama at work, etc etc.

in the meantime - for those looking to fill the void in their daily blog/web surfing activities...feel free to check out:


J-2 said...

how shameless! some random blogger plugging another website on your blog!! and, to top it off - couldn't even spell the name of the website pathetic. the correct spelling of that website is: