Thursday, October 05, 2006

My cameo appearance in New Mexico...

Just driving to work like any other Monday morning...cell phone rings, "Amanda, can you help out in Albuquerque?" says a former co-worker. And after a few rushed last minute phone calls and a quick stop by work to get the laptop...I was off to NM. Lemme give you all a little background here. In my NRA days, I went to Police Nationals for two weeks as the awards officer. Well, after I left the NRA, two things changed in regards to the event...1) it went from Jackson, MS to Albuquerque, NM and 2) the long-time coordinator of the event resigned, oh about, 2 weeks prior to. So, basically....very few people were there that had worked the event before.

Anyhow, things were fine...but I was pretty bummed about running the awards office, as opposed to the 'helping out' (as advertised). So, maybe I'll go out there next year if they don't tie me down to a cramped awards room. One 'oops' happened with the stat office, but given the situation, I was pretty impressed how smooth things went, relatively speaking. And it was nice to see all the familiar faces from the good ol' NRA days...

We did manage to break free for a couple of hours to head up the Sandia Mountains (pic coming soon). I'll definitely be back to climb that!! And in case you all ever head out there, kinda dusty!

Got back late last stop, New Orleans!! I might not share those details....hehe.... ;-D


Daphne said...

Hmmm! This snoopy old fish has been around the pond a few times and knows when there is more to the story. Whatever it is you sure sound happy!

J-2 said...

in the words of scott...

"FACT NUMBER 1!...."

and now, we have "fact number 5"...amanda already anticipating juicy details that are too spicy for the blog's worthiness :)

Unknown said...

Drama hunters! All of you!! :-P

J-2 said...

isn't that the point of a dramatize the mundane events that take place in our daily lives.

Anonymous said...

hand grenade! don't ask questions...just have one and give me a full report. you can do away from the blog too. i can keep a secret :)