my online means of updating the fam and friends on what I've been up to...primarily dedicated to those who say I never write :P
Monday, March 10, 2008
Various tidbits...
So, Ty's and I were sick most of last week. Poor Ty got the flu and I got something that had me coughing up my lungs the majority of the week. All is better now. So, while I stayed home with my throbbing head I was reading a book on polygamy. I've gotta mention it because it was quite the interesting read. I actually found the fact that these women along with their umpteen kids would live together in a shack to be the most disturbing of it all. Of course, the husband is off marrying whatever he can get his hands on all the while... How touching.
I almost hate to say it, but anybody keeping up with the Idols this year? (hey, being sick gets boring...TV happened to be there...) The guys blow the chics away, but I haven't decided which I like the best yet. Maybe this guy, I give this the 'best Idol performance ever' title...
And lastly, Ty's had his last basketball game of the season on Saturday. That's him getting his trophy. Go Ty! Next up, baseball... again.
Congrats to Tyler for getting a trophy. Did his team win 1st place or something for b-ball?
Kai started his beginner swimming classes and is just loving it. We wanted him to be familiar with the basic skills so I wanted him to start with the beginner class. I might even enroll him in the intermediate level as well in the summer since it looks like he is liking swimming a lot with the other kids, along with his golf lessons for the summer too.
Yeah this is Kai's 3rd year but it's mostly in a class that practices the basics. He will take intermediate class for this year and hopefully Scott can take him to a 9 hole golf course to practice.
Congrats to Tyler for getting a trophy. Did his team win 1st place or something for b-ball?
Kai started his beginner swimming classes and is just loving it. We wanted him to be familiar with the basic skills so I wanted him to start with the beginner class. I might even enroll him in the intermediate level as well in the summer since it looks like he is liking swimming a lot with the other kids, along with his golf lessons for the summer too.
Noooo, his b-ball team lost all their games. :(
Isn't this Kai's 3 year w/ golf? When is he gonna start making you millions??
Yeah this is Kai's 3rd year but it's mostly in a class that practices the basics. He will take intermediate class for this year and hopefully Scott can take him to a 9 hole golf course to practice.
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