Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Day 5-6: A fine ending...

Well, the last two days were really great...which made it even that much harder to come back! On Thursday we went to the boards, ate lots of junk food, played putt putt, then went to a nice dinner that had a cruise afterwards (I'll be adding a pic once Blogger decides to cooperate). On Friday, we fished off the pier and caught lots of spot fish. Ty's had a blast since it didn't take but a second for some poor fish to get hooked.

Then, back to reality...waah

1 comment:

Daphne said...

I was having problems uploading pix into the Blogger too. Now I'm not suggesting you do this...BUT I got up at 5AM and got them suckers in zippitdeedo.
This is the kind of day to be in Ocean City with all the windows open and a breeze wafting through.
Tonight I'm sleeping in the front of the house with all the windows open so I can hear the wave lapping at the bulkhead.