Monday, March 20, 2006

M'mm, 'dem squishy fries...

I've unlocked the secret to getting Tyler to eat. Below is a picture of a little boy (who's diet consists of cheerios, more cheerios, and the occasional PB&J) eating calamari. How did I do it, you ask? We told him they were squishy french fries...he inhaled them. :-)


J-2 said...

I think calamari is becoming a kid's favorite. My nephew, Sebastian, has had his turn at calamari, and seems to enjoy it. He also likes crutons - oh..but, heavan forbit if a smidget of ceaser dressing and/or lettuce is on it...then, he won't touch the cruton. So picky!

Unknown said...

Oh, you have no idea. If just a dab of cheese from Ty's mac and cheese gets on his chicken...forget it. The whole thing is contaminated!!

See you at the wall...