Monday, March 27, 2006

Why I don't get manicures...

Sometimes you use the chalk marks to find where the next hold on a climb is...well, for this particular climb, I left some red markings. But it's my favorite climb thus far, and I WILL conquer it one day...

Anyhow! Another good climbing weekend, managed a spur of the moment trip out to Carderock on Saturday with Jason and some climbing gym fellas. Sunday, headed out to Great Falls where we ended up climbing with a bunch of other people, which is always fun.

But hold on, before you start thinking I'm a total slacker for spending my whole weekend playing on rocks. I'll have you know that when I was not out busting up my cuticles, I was slaving away on my laptop working on my website. I'm quite excited about it, it's been 3 weeks and I haven't changed my mind on the layout...that's a 1st!


J-2 said...

"..someday, I WILL conquer it.."? I thought you climbed to the top of it twice y'day. Or, are you referring to 'monkey fingers' climb?

Keep up the due diligence on your website - persistence is key!!

Unknown said...

Okay, let me re-phrase...

"..someday, I WILL conquer it without falling"

Monkey Fingers too, but one grade at a time. :-)