Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This is why I don't care...

I'm officially frustrated. I was all happy because I was done with one of my annoying newsletters yesterday...sent off to the printers, thought everything was lovely. Turns out, they forgot to send me an important article that needed to go on the front page. So...delete the super cool graphic that I had, re-work the continuation page, insert some cheesy clip art because I don't have the time to do anything else. And there you have it, another newsletter that looks like crap because of last second changes.

And just as a side note, if you paid $200 for an ad...why on earth wouldn't you spell check it before submitting it?! '

Okay, I'm done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what's up swiftkickrocks...hmm, Senft, Thom, Steve, or Benton...who could you be??? Thanks for the comment! :)